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Lip Depigmentation

1 h
2,500 Mauritian rupees
Location 1

Service Description

DARK LIPS can occur because of various reasons like Smoking, Genetic, medical conditions like Lichen Planus, a birth mark, a reaction to some medications or even because of cosmetic allergies. Q switched NdYag laser is a globally approved laser for treating the melanin deposits in the lip area. This lip lightening laser is used to treat lip discoloration in a procedure known as lip pigmentation laser treatment. It works by breaking down the excess melanin in the area which is eventually cleared by the body. Multiple sessions are needed to achieve a visible change and sometimes we choose to combine the lasers with treatments like peels and fillers for a better outcome.

Cancellation Policy

To avoid incurring a fee and so that we can have time to fit another patient into your cancelled appointment slot, we require cancellations to be made more than 2 working days before the appointment. Cancellations which are made 48 hours (2 working days) or less before a consultation/treatment will incur a fee. We reserve the right to refuse any further appointments for patients that have 3 Non Attendance of appointments. Late Arrival Policy We run a tight appointment schedule and do our best to run on time. We also understand that life isn’t perfect. If a patient is running late, then we will do our best to fit them in. If they are more than 15 minutes late and if the next patient has arrived, we will see the next patient, and then try and fit the late patient in after. If a patient is running so late that they have missed their entire appointment and it is the next person’s appointment, we will see the next appointment. We will attempt to still fit the patient in later in the day, but it might require some waiting time on that day, or it might not be possible and the late patient will have to be rescheduled. Thank you for your cooperation.

Contact Details

  • Skinnovations Cosmetic Laser Med Centre, Parkside, Sodnac Link Road, Vacoas-Phoenix, Mauritius


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